Story Data Story: Literary Magazine Rankings

This is the final placeholder post that may later be about the process/story of how I assembled and utilized data for one of my creative projects—in this case, the spreadsheets where I rank literary magazines according to who they published, how often they publish award-winning work, and other information.

I may not actually complete this case study, but then, again all of these case studies are WIPs.
Only the spreadsheets exist at this point. Which do I want to discuss? Maybe 5 is enough. Maybe 3. Maybe I’ll discuss the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics spreadsheet I use to brainstorm character jobs? Or maybe just the worldbuilding spreadsheets I used for my childhood novel? Who knows.

Thors Snorresson recommended that I ease up on my usual humor and vulnerability while I’m undergoing a job search for data analysis positions. Most of my data-related content will be hosted on my Github portfolio but I will also be doing a little data storytelling about my story research in order to show possible employers that I am very much a serious and capable adult.